Re-Evaluating the Dietary Significance of Gambel Oak Acorns (Quercus gambelii) in the Great Basin, Colorado Plateau, and Southwest: Evidence From Experimental Foraging and Direct Bomb Calorimetry
Hayley T. Kievman, Gregory R. Burns, and Alexandra M. Greenwald
The Late Intermediate Period in the south-central Andes (AD 1000–1450): Key problems in chronology
Elizabeth Arkush, Weston C. McCool, Ryan D. Smith
Evaluating the relationships between climate change, population pressure, economic intensification, and childhood stress in the Prehispanic Nasca region of Peru
Weston C. McCool, Amy S. Anderson, Alexis Ja'net Baide, Toni Gonzalez, Brian F. Codding
Adaptive foraging behaviours in the Horn of Africa during Toba supereruption
Kaedan O’Brien, Daniel Dalmas, et al.
An investment index for lithic technology: Implications for investment, mobility, and division of labor on the Colorado Plateau, USA
Abby S. Baka, Lisbeth A. Louderback, Brian F. Codding, and Alexandra M. Greenwald
The Goldilocks Zone for maize agriculture and the settlement and abandonment of the West Tavaputs Plateau
Peter M. Yaworsky, Kenneth B. Vernon, Weston C. McCool, Isaac A. Hart, Jerry Spangler, Brian F. Codding
Climatic controls and costly signaling: An integrated analysis of Holocene hunting in the Bonneville and Wyoming Basins, USA
David A. Byers, Ryan McGrath, Peter Yaworsky, Theresa Popp, Gideon Maughan, and Jack M. Broughton
The utility of alpine cave fossil assemblages for zoological census: an example from northern Utah, United States
Kaedan O’Brien, Randall B Irmis, Joan Brenner Coltrain, Daniel Martin Dalmas, Katrina M Derieg, Thomas Evans, Eric S Richards, Fumiko M Richards, Eric A Rickart, J Tyler Faith
Human settlement density, not late Holocene climate change, influenced Artiodactyla species abundance in northeastern California faunal assemblages
Kasey E. Cole, Maren Moffatt, Brian F. Codding, Jack M. Broughton
Migratory behavior in the enigmatic Late Pleistocene bovid Rusingoryx atopocranion
Kaedan O'Brien, Katya Podkovyroff, Diego P. Fernandez, Christian A. Tryon, Lilian Ashioya, J. Tyler Faith
Late Holocene Size Variation of Mytilus californianus Remains from Shelter Cove (CA-HUM-182), Northern California
Hayley T. Kievman, Kurt M. Wilson, Roxanne Lois F. Lamson, Arthur Gyumushyan, Brian F. Codding and Alexandra M. Greenwald
Can we reliably detect adaptive responses of hunter-gatherers to past climate change? Examining the impact of Mid-Holocene drought on Archaic settlement in the Basin-Plateau Region of North America
Brian F. Codding, Heidi Roberts, William Eckerle, Simon C. Brewer, Ishmael D. Medina, Kenneth B. Vernon, and Jerry S. Spangler
Subsistence strategy mediates ecological drivers of human violence
Weston C. McCool, Kenneth B. Vernon, Peter M. Yaworsky, Brian F. Codding
Late Holocene tule elk (Cervus canadensis nannodes) resource depression and distant patch use in central California: Faunal and isotopic evidence from King Brown and the Emeryville Shellmound
Jack M. Broughton, Michael J. Broughton, Kasey E. Cole, Daniel M. Dalmas, Joan Brenner Coltrain
Identification of starch granules on ground stone tools exposed to fire
Stefania Wilks, Lisbeth A. Louderback
Paleoecological evidence for environmental specialization in Paranthropus boisei compared to early Homo
Kaedan O'Brien, Nicholas Hebdon, J. Tyler Faith
Ecological Constraints on Violence Avoidance Tactics in the Prehispanic Central Andes
Weston C. McCool, Kurt M. Wilson & Kenneth B. Vernon
El Niño frequency threshold controls coastal biotic communities
Jack M. Broughton, Brian F. Codding, J. Tyler Faith, Kathryn A. Mohlenhoff, Ruth Gruhn, Joan Brenner-Coltrain, and Isaac A. Hart
Drought-Induced Civil Conflict Among the Ancient Maya
Weston C McCool, et al.
Climate change–induced population pressure drives high rates of lethal violence in the Prehispanic central Andes
Climate change–induced population pressure drives high rates of lethal violence in the Prehispanic central Andes
Did vegetation change drive the extinction of Paranthropus boisei?
David B. Patterson, Andrew Du, J. Tyler Faith, John Rowan, Kevin Uno, Anna K. Behrensmeyer, David R. Braun, Bernard A. Wood
A New Radiocarbon Database for the Lower 48 States
Robert L. Kelly, Madeline E. Mackie, Erick Robinson, Jack Meyer, Michael Berry, Matthew Boulanger, Brian F. Codding, Jacob Freeman, Carey James Garland, Joseph Gingerich, Robert Hard, James Haug, Andrew Martindale, Scott Meeks, Myles Miller, Shane Miller, Timothy Perttula, Jim A. Railey, Ken Reid, Ian Scharlotta, Jerry Spangler, David Hurst Thomas, Victor Thompson and Andrew White
No sustained increase in zooarchaeological evidence for carnivory after the appearance of Homo erectus
W. Andrew Barr, Briana Pobiner, John Rowan, Andrew Du, and J. Tyler Faith
A stone in the hand is worth how many in the bush? Applying the marginal value theorem to understand optimal toolstone transportation, processing, and discard decisions
L. Brock James, Kaley Joyce, Kate E. Magargal, and Brian F. Codding
Direct Evidence for Geophyte Exploitation in the Wyoming Basin
Kaley Joyce, Lisbeth A Louderback, and Erick Robinson
Rethinking the ecological drivers of hominin evolution
J. Tyler Faith, Andrew Du, Anna K. Behrensmeyer, Benjamin Davies, David B. Patterson, John Rowan, and Bernard Wood
Historic and bioarchaeological evidence supports late onset of post-Columbian epidemics in Native California
Terry L. Jones, Al W. Schwitalla, Marin A. Pilloud, John R. Johnson, Richard R. Paine, and Brain F. Codding
Plant species richness at archaeological sites suggests ecological legacy of Indigenous subsistence on the Colorado Plateau
Bruce M. Pavlik, Lisbeth A. Louderback, Kenneth B. Vernon, Peter M. Yaworsky, Cynthia Wilson, Arnold Clifford, and Brian F. Codding
Socioecological Dynamics Structuring the Spread of Farming in the North American Basin-Plateau Region
Brian F. Codding, Joan Brenner Coltrain, Lisbeth Louderback, Kenneth Blake Vernon, Kate E. Magargal, Peter M. Yaworsky, Erick Robinson, Simon C. Brewer & Jerry D. Spangler
Legacies of Indigenous land use shaped past wildfire regimes in the Basin-Plateau Region, USA
Vachel A. Carter, Andrea Brunelle, Mitchell J. Power, R. Justin DeRose, Matthew F. Bekker, Isaac Hart, Simon Brewer, Jerry Spangler, Erick Robinson, Mark Abbott, S. Yoshi Maezumi & Brian F. Codding
Causes and consequences of the late Holocene extinction of the marine flightless duck (Chendytes lawi) in the northeastern Pacific
Terry L. Jones, Joan Brenner-Coltrain, David K. Jacobs, Judith Porcasi, Simon C. Brewer, Janet C. Buckner, John D. Perrine, and Brian F. Codding
Ecological variation and institutionalized inequality in hunter-gatherer societies
Eric Alden Smith, Brain F. Codding
The character of conflict: A bioarchaeological study of violence in the Nasca highlands of Peru during the Late Intermediate Period (950–1450 C.E.)
Weston C McCool, Tiffiny A Tung, Joan Brenner Coltrain, Aldo Javier Accinelli Obando, Douglas J Kennett
A genetic history of the pre-contact Caribbean
Weston C McCool, et al.
Holocene subalpine forest-parkland dynamics in Big Cottonwood Canyon, Wasatch Mountains, Utah, USA
David Rhode, Lisbeth A Louderback, Sandy O Brugger
Identification of starch granules from oak and grass species in the central coast of California
Gloria Howat Brown, Lisbeth A. Louderback
Advancing predictive modeling in archaeology: An evaluation of regression and machine learning methods on the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument
Peter M. Yaworsky, Kenneth B. Vernon, Jerry D. Spangler, Simon C. Brewer, Brian F. Codding
A multi-sensor, multi-scale approach to mapping tree mortality in woodland ecosystems
Michael J Campbell, Philip E Dennison, Jesse W Tune, Steven A Kannenberg, Kelly L Kerr, Brian F Codding, William RL Anderegg
A foraging theory perspective on the associational critique of North American Pleistocene overkill
Allison L Wolfe, Jack M Broughton
The uncertain case for human-driven extinctions prior to Homo sapiens
J Tyler Faith, John Rowan, Andrew Du, W Andrew Barr
Decomposing Habitat Suitability Across the Forager to Farmer Transition
Kenneth B Vernon, Peter M Yaworsky, Jerry Spangler, Simon Brewer, Brian F Codding
Food Production and Domestication Produced Both Cooperative and Competitive Social Dynamics in Eastern North America
Elic M Weitzel, Brian F Codding, Stephen B Carmody, David W Zeanah
Dietary Diversification Across the Tiwanaku Polity: Isotopic Paleodietary Reconstructions Using Sequential Sampling of Dentinal Collagen and Bayesian Methods
Marcos C Martinez, Alexandra M Greenwald, Deborah E Blom, Kelly J Knudson
Holocene vegetation and climate change on the Colorado Plateau in southern Utah, USA
Lisbeth A Louderback, Christopher A Kiahtipes, Joel C Janetski
Reply to Weihmann: Fifty gazelles do not equal an elephant, and other ecological misunderstandings
J Tyler Faith, John Rowan, Andrew Du
Carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen isotopes of ostrich eggshells provide site-scale Pleistocene-Holocene paleoenvironmental records for eastern African archaeological sites
EM Niespolo, WD Sharp, CA Tryon, JT Faith, J Lewis, K Ranhorn, S Mambelli, MJ Miller, TE Dawson
Late Quaternary micromammals and the precipitation history of the southern Cape, South Africa: response to comments by F. Thackeray
J Tyler Faith, Brian M Chase, D Margaret Avery
Rapid Pleistocene desiccation and the future of Africa's Lake Victoria
Emily J Beverly, Joseph D White, Daniel J Peppe, J Tyler Faith, Nick Blegen, Christian A Tryon
Ungulate turnover in the Koobi Fora Formation: Spatial and temporal variation in the Early Pleistocene
K O'Brien, DB Patterson, MD Biernat, David R Braun, TE Cerling, A McGrosky, JT Faith
Evaluating the temporal range of 230Th/U burial dating of ostrich eggshell, a new chronometer for Pleistocene terrestrial strata
Elizabeth M Niespolo, Warren D Sharp, Christian A Tryon, Nicholas Fylstra, Simon James Armitage, Graham Avery, J Tyler Faith, Christopher Henshilwood, Richard Klein, Jason E Lewis, Alex Mackay, Kathryn L Ranhorn, Teresa Steele, Karen Van Niekerk, Giday W WoldeGabriel
Early hominins evolved within non-analog ecosystems
J Tyler Faith, John Rowan, Andrew Du
Climate and ecology of the palaeo-Agulhas Plain from stable carbon and oxygen isotopes in bovid tooth enamel from Nelson Bay Cave, South Africa
Judith Sealy, Navashni Naidoo, Vincent J Hare, Simone Brunton, J Tyler Faith
Micro Methods for Megafauna: Novel Approaches to Late Quaternary Extinctions and Their Contributions to Faunal Conservation in the Anthropocene
Jillian A Swift, Michael Bunce, Joe Dortch, Kristina Douglass, J Tyler Faith, James A Fellows Yates, Judith Field, Simon G Haberle, Eileen Jacob, Chris N Johnson, Emily Lindsey, Eline D Lorenzen, Julien Louys, Gifford Miller, Alexis M Mychajliw, Viviane Slon, Natalia A Villavicencio, Michael R Waters, Frido Welker, Rachel Wood, Michael Petraglia, Nicole Boivin, Patrick Roberts
Reorganization of surviving mammal communities after the end-Pleistocene megafaunal extinction
Anikó B Tóth, S Kathleen Lyons, W Andrew Barr, Anna K Behrensmeyer, Jessica L Blois, René Bobe, Matt Davis, Andrew Du, Jussi T Eronen, J Tyler Faith, Danielle Fraser, Nicholas J Gotelli, Gary R Graves, Advait M Jukar, Joshua H Miller, Silvia Pineda-Munoz, Laura C Soul, Amelia Villaseñor, John Alroy
230Th/U burial dating of ostrich eggshell
Warren D Sharp, Christian A Tryon, Elizabeth M Niespolo, Nick D Fylstra, Alka Tripathy-Lang, J Tyler Faith
Addressing the effects of sampling on ecometric-based paleoenvironmental reconstructions
J Tyler Faith, Andrew Du, John Rowan
The Native California Commons: Ethnographic and Archaeological Perspectives on Land Control, Resource Use, and Management.
Jones, Terry L. and Brian F. Codding
Variability in the organization and size of hunter-gatherer groups: Foragers do not live in small-scale societies
Douglas W Bird, Rebecca Bliege Bird, Brian F Codding, David W Zeanah
Territorial Behavior and Ecology in Western North America
Codding, Brian F., Adrian R. Whitaker and Nathan E. Stevens
Fight or flight: An assessment of Fremont territoriality in Nine Mile Canyon, Utah
Weston C. McCool, Peter M. Yaworsky
Territorial behavior among Western North American foragers: Allee effects, within group cooperation, and between group conflict.
Codding, Brian F., Ashley K. Parker, and Terry L. Jones
When to defend? Optimal territoriality across the Numic homeland
Ashley K Parker, Christopher H Parker, Brian F Codding
Stable Isotope Measures of Weaning Age and Early Childhood Diet in the Ancient Andes: Variation in Early Life Experiences and Health Outcomes across Status and Sex in Tiwanaku-Affiliated Sites in Peru and Bolivia.
Alexandra M Greenwald, Deborah Blom, Natalya Zolotova, Kelly Knudson
Paleozoology and Paleoenvironments: Fundamentals, Assumptions, Techniques
J Tyler Faith, R Lee Lyman
Isotopic reconstruction of ancient human diet and health: implications for evolutionary medicine.
Alexandra Greenwald & Nicole Burt
Late Quaternary micromammals and the precipitation history of the southern Cape, South Africa
J Tyler Faith, Brian M Chase, D Margaret Avery
Spatiotemporal dynamics of prehistoric human population growth: Radiocarbon ‘dates as data’ and population ecology models.
Robinson, Erick, H. Jabran Zahid, Brian F. Codding, Randall Haas, and Robert L.Kelly
Foragers on America's Western Edge: The Archaeology of California's Pecho Coast.
Jones, Terry L. and Brian F. Codding
Population reconstructions for humans and megafauna suggest mixed causes for North American Pleistocene extinctions
Jack M. Broughton & Elic M. Witzel
A Potential Oxygen Isotope Signature of Maize Beer Consumption: An Experimental Pilot Study
Weston C. McCool & Joan Brenner-Coltrain