About the UUAC
The University of Utah Archaeological Center (UUAC) is a research and teaching arm of the Department of Anthropology. The Center’s mission is to train the next generation of anthropological archaeologists, facilitate collaborative archaeological research and promote the understanding of archaeology and prehistory in the wider community.
UUAC Publications
Re-Evaluating the Dietary Significance of Gambel Oak Acorns (Quercus gambelii) in the Great Basin, Colorado Plateau, and Southwest: Evidence From Experimental Foraging and Direct Bomb Calorimetry
Hayley T. Kievman, Gregory R. Burns, and Alexandra M. Greenwald
Evaluating the relationships between climate change, population pressure, economic intensification, and childhood stress in the Prehispanic Nasca region of Peru
Weston C. McCool, Amy S. Anderson, Alexis Ja'net Baide, Toni Gonzalez, Brian F. Codding
Adaptive foraging behaviours in the Horn of Africa during Toba supereruption
Kaedan O’Brien, Daniel Dalmas, and others